Saturday, September 29, 2012

Incredible Port Townsend

Our original plan for Friday was to go to the mountains, but the weather forecast was "mostly cloudy" so we decided a better plan would be to take the ferry to Port Townsend. 

Waiting for the ferry.  Here it comes.

I am always amazed at how many cars and trucks they can get on a ferry.  

We boarded the 11:15 ferry, sat down to enjoy the 30 minute ride and immediately spotted Hobart's close friend David and his wife, Colleen.  So we had a fun, brief visit with them.  

By the time we arrived at Port Townsend, we were hungry, so we looked for a good place to eat and chose an old hotel that had a dining room with a view of the water. 

 Our waiter, Sean.  I love old buildings with brick walls.  

I ordered the stuffed sole and Hobart ordered the salmon baked in parchment paper.  Delicious!  


Hobart's--his was so good he wanted to pick up the parchment and lick it when he was through with the salmon.  No, he didn't do it, but it was difficult to restrain him.  

Fully satisfied, we walked the town, did a little shopping and enjoyed the sights.  We saw some wonderful shops...

old buildings...


The title of this piece was "Crappy Outlook".

a stairway to "up" town...

Uptown house

a street musician...

an unusual "speaker's corner"...

some nut cases... 

and eccentrics...

This man (yes, it's a man) and his wife were shopping for yarn.

This man was scraping the calluses off his feet with a little tool.  Strange place for foot-grooming.  

We were tempted to stick around to see who owns this car.  

How often do you see paper dolls on the hood and flip flops on the bumper?  

Hobart's scratching his head, trying to figure out how they did that.  And why.  

We took each other's pictures in various settings.

Waiting for the ferry...

in the street...

in a nut... 

I told Hobart I wanted to take his picture in the nut, so he took this pose and said he was ready...

 better nut pose. (Two nuts.)

We also stopped for dessert at this darling soda shop to fill up on sugar. 

I had a sundae.

Hobart had a strawberry soda.

Hobart read all the story boards. 

 Who wants to know about eelgrass?  Hobart.  

Then it was time to catch the 5:15 ferry back to Whidbey Island.  

Goodbye, Port Townsend.

But...another surprise!  On the ferry going home we ran into still more dear friends  

 Fred, Eloise, Jan and Marshall

A wonderful ending for an incredible day!

1 comment:

  1. this is a response to your last two are just having way too much fun!!! Just kidding....there is no such thing as too much!!! Keep on Keepin' on!!! Love all the pictures!!! Miss you!!
