Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cinderella and Chihuly

Saturday, September 22, was filled with beauty.  We spent the day in Seattle --first to see the ballet Cinderella at McCaw Hall and then to the Chihuly Glass Garden at Seattle Center at the base of the Space Needle.  We started out early and the weather was perfect.  The trip was uneventful until we got a block from the parking lot.  The cars inched around the corner, one or two cars per green light, obviously waiting a turn to turn into the parking garage.  We finally got parked, into the building and into the restaurant for a quick lunch.  The menu was one of those fancy ones where one doesn't have a clue what is being offered but I ordered what I thought was crab and cauliflower soup.  It was.  Hobart ordered the stuffed French toast, which he later described as "poison--five different ways to get sugar into my body".  My soup was delicious.  (All five spoonfuls of it.)  We ate, went into the theater and found our seats which were wonderfully close and almost in the center.  The lights went down and the orchestra began.  Gorgeous music.  I looked over at Hobart, who had his eyes closed.  He was smiling as he absorbed the beauty of the moment and the music. The curtain rose and we spent the next three hours enjoying the ballet.  

When the ballet was over, we walked to the Chihuly exhibit which was a short distance away.  What an incredible experience that was.  I am always in awe of what that man could create in glass, but the display exceeded my expectations.  Enjoy the following pictures.  

Persian ceiling

We ended our day in Seattle at the Collections restaurant which is right by the Chihuly exhibit.  The restaurant displays various collections under glass at each table--pocket knives, shaving brushes, tin toys, etc.  The walls are decorated with other collections--old radios and hundreds of church keys.  We ordered and devoured the wild salmon on a bed of corn and mushrooms--the salmon was on a bed of corn and mushrooms. =) Delicious!  After dinner we stopped at Starbucks for a cup of coffee.  (How can you go to Seattle, home of Starbucks, without drinking a Starbucks coffee?)  We decided to go home on the ferry, reasoning that at 8:00 on a Saturday night, few people would be trying to get to Whidbey Island.  Wrong!  The line for the ferry started many blocks before the entrance so we turned around and took the long way home, over the bridge, visiting all the way to Oak Harbor.  

Good day.   
Unforgettable experience. 
Many blessings. 
Great life.

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