Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Letting Go

Here's something I've learned.  Sometimes it's important to let go--of toxic relationships, ideas that don't work, attempts to fix everything, expectations, or anything that doesn't add to the quality of my life.   I'm good at letting go of most things, but there are some I'm still struggling to release.  

Dog guilt!  How much attention is enough for Sadie Lou?  If I walk her twice a day, play tug-and-toss at least once a day, comb her every night, take her in the car when I can, and let her sleep with me, is that ENOUGH?  She doesn't think so.  She gives me this look that says,

 "What? You aren't going to play with me?  You'd rather read?  You've got to be kidding."

        Or, "I'm tired of sleeping! I'm so bored." (sigh)   

I also need to let go of my bathroom scales and quit weighing myself.  My weight has been a life-long obsession and it's stupid.  It's an ego thing which makes it really stupid.  I wish someone would sneak into my closet and steal my bathroom scale.  If you do, I promise not to replace it.  Here's what it looks like in case you ever find yourself in my closet.  

I would like to give up being irritated by people misusing "fewer" and "less", "you" when they mean "I", and the nominative case as the object of a preposition.  (Yeah, I used to be an English teacher and loved teaching grammar.) (And, yeah, I give myself permission to end a sentence with a preposition and to get creative with my punctuation.) 

I'd like to let go of ice cream--especially Peanut Butter Party, Mudslide and Salted Caramel.  And especially when I've let it sit out on the counter for a little while until it gets melty around the edges and I scoop around the outer rim, creating a little moat. And then the moat keeps getting bigger and bigger because someone has to eat the soft, melted part but there's no one to do it but me.  Eventually it looks like this.  

I can't be trusted. 

The list goes on.  So if you, like me, suffer from the inability to let go of something, read my poem.  Maybe it will help.  

Letting Go

It's easy to cling, and so hard to let go.
I've struggled with both so I think I should know.
Like a baby who grabs and holds on to your thumb,
Clinging is instinct, but soon you'll go numb.

You cling to beliefs and the things you've been taught
Long after discovering your "truth"'s simply not!
Clinging is simple; you don't have to think.
You just keep on circling like you skate in a rink.

Around and around--the same pattern each day.
You don't buck the tide, don't go the wrong way.
Just go with the flow. Be predictable, please.
(The problem's that clinging's a fatal disease!)

If it's life that you want--to live, love and grow,
Just loosen your grip and then simply let go.
Let go of the path that has been your routine.
Go searching for fields that are open and green.

Let go of the "ought-to"'s and "shoulds" and "I can't".
Just take off your shoes, and then sing, dance and chant.
Eat with your fingers and paint with your toes.
Run backwards through town with a rose up your nose.

Wear hot pink and orange, and mess up your hair,
And sit on the floor with your feet in the chair.
Kiss babies and puppies, and laugh really loud.
So what if you happen to draw a big crowd!

Let go of the thoughts that have kept you in line.
Let go of the safety net.  You'll be just fine.
Let go of expectations.  They'll never be met.
Let go of your judgment.  Forgive and forget.

Acceptance is nice, but it isn't the goal.
The freedom to BE is the aim of your soul.
So free up your spirit and watch yourself glow.
All that is needed is just letting go.

Nancy Kinser
July 20, 2002

1 comment:

  1. You are so creative!!! Love your poem! We need to get together sometime!
