Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Trip to Artist Point

Hobart was excited last week when he checked the computer to see if the Artist Point parking lot had been cleared of snow and discovered that it was, so we planned a day trip to go to the mountains--yesterday was the day.  It was a beautiful, clear day for the three hour trip.  Hobart likes to avoid interstates whenever possible, so we took the winding roads through little towns, stopping occasionally to see something of interest.  One was a small-town general store which sold everything from fresh peaches to humorous mugs.  It looked like it should have been next door to the Whistle Stop Cafe in Fried Green Tomatoes.  We stopped at the small town of Glacier for a delicious lunch at an Italian restaurant and paused several times along the way to take pictures, absorb and appreciate this gorgeous part of the country.  The beauty of this area is incredible--huge evergreens,  ice blue mountain streams, waterfalls and wildflowers. And snow!  In August!  We finally arrived at the Artist Point parking lot and the wall of snow I had previously seen in pictures.  The view of Mt. Baker was spectacular, so we spent an hour in the sun and snow, taking more pictures and visiting with other viewers and climbers.  On the way home we saw the sun set over the San Juan islands--pink sky and blue water. By the time we got home, the almost-full, orange moon had risen out of the Cascades.  What a perfect day.  

Picture Lake

Picture Lake and Mt. Shuksan
Artist Point parking lot

Mt. Baker

Mt. Baker and Hobart

Heather Meadows Visitors' Center


  1. What a beautiful spot!!! I am so envious as we sit here in the outskirts of Hell!!!! Enjoy!!

  2. Washington state in the summer, Texas in the winter.....sound perfect! Enjoy it and we'll see you sometime this fall!
