Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Grateful on Thanksgiving 2016

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  Of course I'm thankful for all the obvious stuff--family and friends and health.  I'm also grateful for some less-obvious stuff.

I'm grateful for the 2016 presidential election.  It woke everyone up and we were passionate, involved and interested.  I didn't like the outcome, but I loved the energy surrounding the whole mess, and appreciated the absence of indifference.  

I am grateful that I know I could be wrong.  My plan is to never be accused of a closed mind.  

I'm grateful for my yoga teacher and class.  

I'm grateful for my groups and classes in Fort Worth. They make me think and laugh and feel loved.  And I'm thankful for a darling new and old friends who are in them.

I'm grateful for creative outlets.  Right now they involve beads and yarn. 

I'm grateful for arthritis, which makes me aware of the value and blessings of life and encourages me to keep moving.  

I'm grateful that my kids occasionally ask for my advice, and I'm especially grateful that I know not to offer it unless asked.  

I'm grateful for Esther Hicks and her message to stay positive and receptive.   Her plan--and now mine, too--is "happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead."

I'm grateful for prescription drugs.  =) 

I'm grateful for hundreds of things and thousands of people (you know who you are).  Here are a few more things:  Ellen, the color coral, ideas that make me think, popcorn, hair products, Fraiser reruns, my shoes, funny quotes, wise quotes, my four walk-in closets, the first hour of every day--coffee, Sadie Lou, newspapers on my iPad in a comfy chair in my sunroom, daily phone calls from Hobart, and everything I've ever learned.  

I'm also grateful for photos and being able to carry them around with me everywhere I go.  Aren't iPhones incredible? Camera, photo album, address book, calendar, lists, recorder, entertainment, encyclopedia, dictionary, news, weather, sports info, personal files, reading device for books, music, shopping and coupons, GPS, activity monitor, etc, all in that little phone I can hold in my hand!  

So here are some photos from 2016.  I'm grateful for the memories they evoke in me. 

I'm grateful for time with old friends. 
Tom and Teresa are friends on Whidbey Island.  I get to spend time with them when am at Hobart's.
I was on Whidbey Island twice this summer for a total of five weeks.  

Occasionally we discover that our friend, David, is sitting out on Hobart's deck, relaxing and waiting for a beer and a visit.  

Hobart is ready for a hike in the woods.  I made sure he had his handkerchief.  

 This photo was taken in late June.  I love the cool weather there...  

 ...and the huge trees and gorgeous forests...

 ...and Hobart.  

 We are not good at selfies.

Ruthie (Houston), Bev (Severna Park, Maryland), Judy (Bellevue, Washington) are Newton childhood friends, who were here in November, and yes, the stripes were deliberate, a throwback to our junior high days.  Jannie couldn't make it at the last minute and we missed her.   There were originally 7 of us but two have died.  Our history together goes back 70 years, a friendship so deep and valuable, we have gotten together almost every year for the past 25 years.       

In October Brenda, with the scarf, invited some Theta friends to her home in Guilford, Connecticut. Darling town, precious friends, great fun.
Me, Mary-O, Brenda, Nancy, Mary Helen, Anne

Later in October these Theta friends, aka "The Group That Does Not Compute" came to my house for a visit.  We have gotten together yearly for decades.  Originally there were 6 of us but one died and one can no longer travel. Nancy (St. Louis), Sharon, (Kansas City) and Mary-O (Wichita)

Last spring I drove to Bella Vista, AR, to visit Katy, my dearest Bella Vista friend. She took me to Crystal Bridges and, as always, we had great visits and lots of fun.  The problem with Katy is that she has a perfect life, perfect husband, perfect children and perfect grandchildren.  I love her anyway.

Laurie's youngest, Kayden, fastest kid on the team. 

Ellis, Paul's middle child, so full of energy.

Most of Laurie and Jon's boys with Daddy Bob.  
Patrick, Kelson, Kinser, Kayden, Justin, Bob
(Chris is missing)

LouAnn, Sadie Lou and POPCORN!  

Kinser, the quarterback, is now taller than Laurie.

Jack was the Donkey in the Shrek musical.

Laurie and Jon's dog, Beagan, is very grateful that his 20 pound tumor was removed!  
(Did I gross you out?)

Kelson, chilling out at his brother's ballgame. 

Chris and his darling fiancee, Diane

Happy Joe

 Maria and William--siblings out for an evening.  

Annette, headed to a Halloween party

Jack (and mom LouAnn) with his first college acceptance--from Oklahoma City University

My sister Jean with her valedictorian grandson. 
She turned 80 this year!     

My kids at Laurie's 50th birthday party.  
Paul, me, Laurie, Annette

Sadie Lou loves to go to Walmart with me.

Georgia was one of the wicked stepsisters in the Cinderella musical.
(She doesn't look very wicked, does she.)

Jon, on a seafood diet.  YUM! 

Sadie Lou is lying at my feet, waiting for me to play with her while we watch the evening news on CBS--Scott Pelley. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  I'll be at Laurie's for parades and football and games and food. And I will be thankful for my wonderful life.