Friday, May 20, 2016

An Ordinary Day
May 19, 2016

The day began like most of my days begin--in my sunroom swivel rocker with a pot of coffee and my iPad, Sadie napping close by, patiently waiting for her breakfast and morning walk.  I played Words with Friends, read an editorial comparing Trump's successful tactics to those of the Fascists', and then watched a couple of You Tube videos--a muskrat that could escape any enclosure and a bull that was unchained for the first time in his life, dancing and rolling in pure joy. 

The day progressed--breakfast and a walk for the two of us. I washed the sheets and put them back on the bed, and wrote a birthday email to a grandchild who's had a rough start in life.  

I made three trips to Nelda's.  The first was to return the polka dot glasses she had loaned me for my Sunday school party I hosted the night before.  The second was to try out her new foot vibrator to see how it made my legs feel.  The third was to pick her up for a concert that ended our day.  

The afternoon was spent, as every Thursday afternoon is spent, at my Thursday Group, which is always a warm and meaningful time.  

One of the Group members, Beth, was singing in a concert that night at the First Presbyterian church, so Nelda and I went.  We sat down across the aisle from Beth's son, a talented, gorgeous, brilliant young man who was visiting from California with his girlfriend.  The concert, Teach the World to Sing, was only an hour long, mostly a cappella.  Eighteen gorgeous voices, perfectly blended.  I closed my eyes through much of it to avoid distractions and really hear the music, a trick I learned from Hobart.  

It occurred to me on the way home what an extraordinary, ordinary day it had been.  I think it was Maya Angelou who said, "Never underestimate the value of an ordinary day." She's always right.  My day was filled with ordinary experiences--clean sheets, green lawns and flower beds, humorous videos, thoughtful articles, beautiful music, friends.  Ordinary?  Yes.  But a rich, wonderful day.  


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

It's So Damn Easy to Have 
an Amazing Life.
Abraham-Hicks Cancun Landcruise
April 23-30, 2016

"It's so damn easy to have an amazing life," flew out of Esther Hick's mouth one morning during the week-long workshop at a fabulous resort, Paradisis, in Cancun.  Laurie Beth, Jon and I spent the week listening, learning, taking notes, discussing, questioning, and loving our week there.  The morning after Esther told us it was easy to have an amazing life, this sand sculpture appeared on the beach.  Evidently, unbeknownst to anyone, there was a sand sculptor among the 1350 participants.  He and his wife had created this the night before.  


Later in the week this one appeared.

When Esther connects with Abraham, her gang of spiritual intelligence guides, magic happens.  Her basic premise is the law of attraction--we create our own reality but we don't do it alone.  Source Energy wants to fulfill our desires but we must be in a state of allowing in order to receive.  "Efforting" doesn't get us there.  

I've listened to and watched You Tube videos of her and read her books for several years.  I love her--she's sharp and wise and intuitive and very funny. Seeing her deliver her brilliance spontaneously was a thrill. 

I started writing down some one-liners of hers about a year ago as I listened to her on You Tube. I recorded more at the workshop.  I called them "Hickies" (Esther HICKS).  So I'm sharing them on my blog.  Here they are.  


Light is within you. Stay happy and shine.

Everything you are feeling is an indication of everything you are thinking.

When you plant corn, you don't get tulips.

Your duck tape is uncover-up-able.  
Unless you feel good without the stuff, the stuff you want can't come.

You're not having as much fun as you intended. You're taking life much too seriously.

You can't be eternal and done.

Be at peace with what is while you wait for what is more.

Nothing that you want is upstream.

Are you keeping up with you? If you are passionate, happy, and energetic, then you are.

Every problem creates a solution.

When you croak, you will be right up to speed with who you really are.

Secret to success: Change "how" to "why".

You can't care about anything you can't control.

You don't have to uncreate anything.

Clarity is the prize we are looking for.

Get clear and happy and good things come.

It isn't the doing. It's the expecting.  Be patient.

You can't talk about the drought and expect the rain.

Trying is the problem.

Present yourself as you want to be and don't give a rip about how others receive you.

A belief is a thought you keep thinking.

I'd like to give you the freedom to agree with me.

All topics are the same. Live and let live.

Everything moves in the direction of whatever has your attention.

There's no struggle if you don't care.

It's so damn easy to have an amazing life. 

You never need to justify your worthiness.

TV dilutes the power of your enthusiasm.

Put no lid on pleasure.

Be the receiver of good, not the earner.

If your light isn't shining, you are of no benefit to anyone.

Not giving a rip about harmony attracts harmony.

A light, soft approach gives you everything you want. 

Source Energy is not at another party.

Life is as amazing as you allow it to be.

Never go back to fix it.

There is no forgiveness because there is no condemnation.

Here are some photos of the resort.  The banners were there for the event. 

Life is supposed to be fun.
Things are always working out for me. 

Appreciation, happiness, clarity, love, ease, joy.

Center court at night

Esther Hicks
(although she's usually smiling)

View from my private balcony

Nap time on the beach--beach beds

I truly believe that the Universe or Source Energy is taking care of me and every once in a while sends me a little message reminding me that it is.  The Abraham-Hicks logo is a tree.

I was frying myself an egg a few days ago and here's what it looked like. Definitely a message!

Isn't life wonderful?  

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Laurie Beth Turned 50

We celebrated Laurie Beth's 50th birthday with a big surprise party.  She was truly surprised which was a surprise to all of us. It is NOT easy to keep a secret from Laurie Beth. My gift to her was a big plastic container filled with things I have kept through the years--her letters from camp and college, school papers and emails she had written, and little notes she wrote as a child.  Two of the notes sent us into peals of laughter. She was such an interesting little girl.  

The first one was a declaration of her love and a thank you note for being "pregnat" for her.  

The second one was to the Tooth Fairy, instructing her to take special care and consideration with this particular tooth.  

What a journey these 50 years have been!  

Here we are at her party--my precious kids and me.