Friday, December 6, 2013

West Byers

This summer I bought a house in the West Byers neighborhood of Fort Worth, TX.  Hobart and I moved in October 15 and are having a wonderful time making it our home.   Originally I fell in love with the house.  Since moving in, I have fallen in love with the neighborhood.  Sadie Lou and I walk the neighborhood twice a day--early morning and early evening--and I am fascinated by the variety of homes and interesting architecture I have seen on our walks.  There are big homes next to small homes next to duplexes and apartments.  There are modern homes next to traditional homes.  There are mansions next to cottages.  All the blocks have old-fashioned alleys, so when Sadie Lou and I want a change, we walk the alleys. 

Right across the street from us is this duplex. 

5531 is the duplex and right next to it, just a few feet away, is 5533 with a strange entrance.  This is just the beginning.  

Now stroll along with us and we'll show you our neighborhood.  All these homes are within two blocks of our house.  

This cute cottage is next to the duplex.

A typical alley.

Interesting architecture

I discovered two houses next to each other which seemed to have no windows.  Upon further investigation I found that this one had two windows on the second floor, one in the back and one on the side.  

The second one had NO windows. My friend Nelda immediately guessed that it was built around a courtyard.  Hobart went to Google Maps and found it.  Nelda was right!  It's built around a courtyard.  (Nelda also suggested that maybe they were nudists and directed me to develop a friendship with them.) I do know that they are very laid-back.  They put their trash cans out Tuesday night for a Wednesday morning pick-up and when I took this picture Sunday morning, the trash cans were still there. 

Although the neighborhood isn't gated, many of the homes are, and since the houses are close together, many have privacy fences or walls.

The yards are well landscaped and beautiful.

Some have dramatic entrances.

I would love to see inside this home.  I know who lives here, but haven't figured out how to get her to invite me over.  

Some of the homes are simple….. 

…and some are unusual.

Sadie Lou loves the smell of this lawn!  

I love the flowers around this tree.

A traditional house….

…next to a modern house...

…next to a traditional house with a wrap-around porch.  

This modest apartment building is on a corner, across the street from...

this huge house on a double lot…

…which is across the street from this gorgeous home. 

This tree is right at the front door, with the sidewalk circling it.  It had to be a builder's nightmare, but it's wonderful.  I hope the tree outlives the house.

An added bonus is a neighborhood grocery store, four blocks away on Collinwood, our street.  Roy Pope grocery store has been in this same spot for 70 years and is unique and well-known in the city.  I can run in for a jar of mustard, or if I don't feel like cooking, I can run in for something wonderful for dinner.  

Sadie Lou likes to walk all the way to Roy Pope's.

Front of the store--but everyone goes in the back, like family.

It's clean and neat with interesting, up-scale items.

Everyone is friendly.  The deli man said, "Hey, don't you want my picture?"  Of course.  

Sadie Lou and I are almost home from our walk. 

Here is our new home.

 5524 Collinwood Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76107

And here it is 24 hours later! 

Welcome back to Texas!